Tag,en: Cup

SpringFast 2024 is at the door

For the second year in a row, the Mohawks are hosting SpringFast – a preparatory tournament with international guests – at Mohawks Park.

From next Saturday, 13. April to Sunday, 14. April will be 4 Teams from Esslingen, Aichelberg, Budapest and the Travelers are fighting for the title sponsored by the company Intersewer UG.

Great spring baseball with a great atmosphere, Food and hopefully great weather are on the agenda.

As an official one “Highlight” contest on Sunday, the 14. April from 15 Watch the men's first game of the season – the cup game 1. Round against the Bühl Blackwoods.

We look forward to your coming.

Mohawks lose in the cup 10:14 against the Karlsruhe Cougars

Last Thursday, the Nagold Mohawks were again guests of the Karlsruhe Cougars - this time in the cup round.

After the defeat the weekend before, The Mohawks were willing to make it harder for the Cougars this time.

Due to a few walks and mistakes in the Karlsruhe defense, the Nagolders were able to keep up 4 Runs im 1. Present inning. The Cougars couldn't bring home any runs themselves thanks to solid pitching from Luca Heinrich.

It wasn't until the second inning that the hosts put in a good batting performance 7 Runs nach Hause. Unfortunately, the Nagolders came away empty-handed in this inning.

The Mohawks visibly had a hard time and were able to continue 4 No more scoring innings, The Cougars continue to be strong again 7 Runs scorten. That's how it was at the end 6. Innings 4:14 for the Karlsruhe Cougars.

A pitcher change for Nagold should prevent anything worse from happening, Marius Nöther replaced Luca Heinrich on the mound and made things visibly more difficult for the hosts.

In the 7. Inning the Mohawks started to catch up and were able to thanks 2 beautiful doubles 3 Bring home points. Also in 9. Innings were again 3 Runs for the Nagolders.

Unfortunately, these were not enough to win and we had to go with them 10:14 Runs geschlagen geben.

However, the batting performance was far stronger than the previous game. With 10 Hits for Nagold and 11 It was a much more even game for Karlsruhe.

With each 3 Heekwan Park and Tobias Müllmaier were particularly strong offensively that day.

Mohawks advance to cup semifinals

On Thursday the 26.05.22 the Mohawks received the leaders of the district league, the Swabian Hall Renegades, to the cup quarter final in Nagold.

Trotz unbeständigem Wetter haben sich wieder einige Zuschauer im Mohawks Park eingefunden und sorgten für gute Stimmung.

Die Renegades starten stark ins Spiel und konnten direkt 2 score runs. Grund waren unter anderem anfängliche Schwierigkeiten des Nagolder Pitchers Luca Heinrich, der sein 1. Spiel nach Verletzungspause bestritt.

Doch die Mohawks legten dank 2 Walks und eines Doubles in der Offense direkt mit 3 Runs nach.

In the 2. Inning fand der Pitcher der Mohawks gut ins Spiel. Die Renegades jedoch blieben schlagstark und konnte dank einiger Basehits weitere 5 score runs.

Die Anspannung der Nagolder war deutlich spürbar. Trotzdem behielten sie die Nerven und brachten Runner für Runner auf Base. Nachdem bereits 2 Runner scoren konnten, brachte Tobias Müllmaier durch einen grandiosen Homerun 3 weitere Runner nach Hause. Ebenfalls mit 5 Runs für die Nagolder endete das 2. Inning.

In the 3. and 4. Inning blieb es weiter spannend. Durch solides Pitching auf beiden Seiten und eine gute Defensive schafften es allerdings nur die Nagolder noch einen weiteren Run aufs Scoreboard zu bringen. score after 4 inning: 7:9 für die Mohwaks.

Auf dieser knappen Führung konnten sich die Gastgeber nicht ausruhen. Mit dem neuen Pitcher der Mohawks, Myron Richards, konnten die Gäste aus Schwäbisch Hall unter Kontrolle gehalten werden. Mit insgesamt 8 Strikeouts schickte Myron Richards einen Batter nach dem anderen zurück ins Dugout. Die Renegades drehten offensiv im 5. Inning zwar nochmal auf, scorten aber lediglich noch einen weiteren Run.

The 7. Inning sollte das Spiel dann entscheiden. Die Nagolder Offensive gab noch einmal alles. With 5 Basehits, davon ein Triple und ein Double, kamen nochmals 6 Runs in Ziel. Die 10-Run Rule beendete das Spiel mit 8:18 Punkten.

Trotz des deutlichen Endstands, war es ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen. With 10:12 Hits war die Offensive beider Mannschaften stark.

Eine herausragende Schlagleistung zeigte an diesem Tag Tobias Müllmaier (1 HR, 2 Doubles, 5 RBI’s). With each 2 Hits ebenfalls stark waren Chris Schmidmeier, Frieder Häfele und Myron Richards.

Das nächste Ligaspiel findet bereits kommenden Sonntag, the 29.05.22, instead of. Die Nagolder empfangen die Gäste aus Stuttgart in Mohawks Park und freuen sich auf zahlreiche Unterstützer auf ihren Tribünen.

Baseball is back – Men come out of the winter/corona break strengthened

Baseball – 1. More – Cup … an almost traditional ritual.

The anticipation of the first official game of the season was great. The league competitor Bretten Kangaroos invited to the cup game. And the Mohawks can look back positively on the last few months. Reinforced by newcomers, coach Frieder Häfele was able to draw on almost everything.

And the Mohawks start furiously – After the first control problems with the guest pitcher, it was Chris Laimer who immediately pushed the ball over the fence in the first round with the first at-bat and bases-loaded – GRAND SLAM. And that's not all. 6 Runs in the first half-inning was a nice cushion for the defensive around starting pitcher Marius Nöther.

And the Mohawks remained offensively active. Points were continuously scored alongside another highlight in the third inning – 3-Run home run by Alexander Kwiring.

Coach Häfele took the opportunity to give every player who had traveled there early match practice. After just two innings, relief pitcher and newcomer Tobias Müllmeier switched to the mount. Another two innings later, newcomer Myron Richards also took over the ball. And everyone kept the hosts from Bretten in check.

In the end there was a safe one 3:18-Success and entry into the next cup round.

In addition to the home run hitters, Chris Laimer is offensive (3 Hits, 5 RBI) und Alexander Kwiring (3 Hits, 7 RBI) our Catherine Schulz (2 Hits) and Hannes Grossman (2 Hits, 2 RBI) to mention.

The next cup round will take place on 26. May against the Schwäbisch Hall Renegades. League start is the 15. May against the Bretten Kangaroos.

(Photo: Chris Laimer at bat)

Vice-cup winner – Mohawks win silver medal

Historic Final game of baseball players from Nagold is the grand finale of the baseball season and 70 mitgereiste fans celebrating a brave fighting team and the runner-up trophy victory 2016.


The surprise team Nagold Mohawks stood at the "Day of German Unity" in the cup final of Baden-Württemberg Base- und Softballverbands (BWBSV) the highly favored Bundesliga team Stuttgart Reds against. The venue of the pitch Bretten Kangaroos was nominated by the Association, through a major remodeling measure the new space thus presented to a large audience.
In full strength the run as the home team Nagold Mohawks were able to starting pitcher George Plankenhorn defuse the first offensive momentum of the Bundesliga and start to drop a point from this game. In return, reached the leadoff batter (first batsman Offence) Frieder Häfele for a Walk and two other strategic played down while the third base, but had to stop after a strikeout for the third out empty-handed the inning without Run.
In the second round the defensive Nagolder was safe and sent three consecutive hitters back to the bench. The same but the home side's defense also Stuttgarter. However, in the third inning because of many good punches the Bundesliga the first runs. Nagold turn had offensive to defy difficulties the higher pitching level and landed only hits, which could process the Stuttgarter safe.
A points-less fourth inning on both sides, however, showed, that the underdogs from Nagold should be no cannon fodder. The sometimes, at the well 300 Viewers from the entire baseball Federal State of Baden Württemberg, unexpectedly positive run game brought the Nagoldern much sympathy and encouragement from the stands. The vociferous home fans did the rest to create a great atmosphere.
The favorites settled them undeterred and scored points in the fifth round by a 2-run homerun of the former national team member Markus Winkler and in the seventh inning with another 2 Runs. The Mohawks but fought bravely and were in the seventh inning after a Basehit Marius Nöther and a hard blow from Luke Burrer the umjubelnden connection point for 1:9 runs rewarded.
The pitch end since the sixth inning Marc Meusel made in the course of his defense team, no additional points to more, However, the offensive to an advance on the second base managed nothing valorizable.
With 1:9 Runs the Association division of Nagold must admit defeat to Bundesliga side from Stuttgart. But the joy of the historical collection in the cup final, the considerable and great play of the team and the many fans who could be mobilized made from this defeat felt a victory.


Photo: Iris Drobny