Victory wave continues - Nagold Mohawks beat Stuttgart Reds 3 with 19:9

Last Sunday, were the Stuttgart Reds 3 guest in Nagold. In the most beautiful summer weather, both teams started the game motivated.

The Stuttgart lead-off batter immediately started the game with a nice base hit. But starting pitcher Marius Nöther then ended with 3 Strikeouts speed up the attack of the score.

The Nagolder started with the same 2 base hits and built up a lot of pressure. The Stuttgart pitcher then gave up many walks, making the Mohawks im 1. inning right away 5 runs in the lead.

Also in 2. Inning, the Reds failed against the strong Nagolder Defense. With no points, they had to stop their attack. The guests' pitcher continued to have problems and had to improve 2 clear the field for further walks. The Mohawks had to adjust to the new pitcher, 2 more runs were in 2. Inning but again inside.

The 3. The inning was balanced, both teams scored respectively 1 Run.

In the 4. Inning, the Stuttgarters had now finally adjusted to the Nagold pitcher and were able to score a few hits, but also errors in the Nagolder Defense, 3 score runs.

But the Mohawks put on strong ones 6 Runs nach. score after 4 inning: 14:4 for the nagolders.

A pitcher change achieved the desired result. Luca Heinrich came onto the mound and initially disrupted the Reds' offensive. With no runs for the guests, the Mohawks end that 5. Inning.

But the Stuttgarters didn't give up. The weakening pitching of the Mohwaks brought them back 4 Runs im 6. and 1 Run im 7. Inning.

The Mohawks went with them 1 and 3 Runs after and were able to post the game 7 innings with a final score of 19:9 runs for themselves.

Almost all Mohawks were able to get a base hit that day, particularly convinced Hannes Großmann (4 Hits), Bernd Schweikert (3 Hits), Chris Schmidmeier (2 Hits), Katharina Schulz (1 Single, 1 Double) und Alexander Kwiring (1 Triple).