Cooperation Days of Nagold Mohawks and Christiane Herzog Realschule Nagold a great success

"Baseball - takes too long, is boring and you just stand around "- this statement can be heard in many places if you ask clueless to this sport. If asked, the students of the two-day school sports action the Nagoldtalsperre Mohawks at the Christiane-Herzog-Realschule Nagold (CHR), they would choose another description.

Ekes out a niche Although baseball in Germany, world it is ranked three of the most played sports! Surely this is because of the versatility of sport: Running and throwing, Hitting and catching, Eye-hand coordination and tactical understanding. All this is important and makes baseball a sport, the demands everything from players. And of all these aspects trains optimally.

The Nagolder Baseball- and softball club Nagold Mohawks would like to draw attention to the sport, no – on their sport, since the 1996 successfully played in Nagold. With teams, for boys and girls - from young to old, be every summer exciting games and tournaments contested on the iceberg in the Mohawk Park. And the club life rarely comes here too short.

For the club to Executive Simon Mohr it is therefore a matter of course, local schools and public facilities, but also companies e.g.. as a team building event, the opportunity to offer, get to know an extraordinary sport.

The request was school sport lessons briefly to complement the sport by Mr. Binder, Sport teacher at the CHR, therefore gladly accepted and so the physical education was last Wednesday and Thursday in six grades from fifth to eighth class inherited from the Base Shooting.

Under the guidance of club coach Marc Meusel, Mohr and Simon Marius Nöther together with the players of the federation league baseball player Frieder Häfele, Alexander Kwiring and Robert Plank horn were sent the boys and girls in the diverse techniques of baseball sport. At the end of each hour was a sports game with diced together teams. With a lot of ambition and eagerness of everyone was fighting for the points. But in baseball does not depend on individual talent or individual techniques - only those who master all the techniques and can boast a team is successful in baseball.

The opinion of the ultimately almost 150 Boys and girls was clearly: "Fun was!“, "Pretty exhausting!"And" May we again?"Resounded from the Iceberg sports hall. And the teachers? The were allowed to try and realized how technically demanding sport is. The versatility has aroused the interest and you do not want to have played baseball for the last time in school sports at the Christiane Herzog Secondary School.

At the end of the Nagold Mohawks remains the knowledge, again that many children were excited and hopefully the spark has jumped, frequently and regularly play baseball. Not without reason build the Mohawks on their youth work, who have made the past achievements only possible.

The Nagold Mohawks offer within the Nagolder Winter Magic 2014 next Sunday, the 29. November from 10 to 17 Clock taster training in Halle an iceberg. For this purpose, any interested party is invited, happy even for a few hours. More information is available on the Internet to find.