Month,en: September 2022

Top-class T-Ball tournament

Nagold Mohawks were chosen to host the official BWBSV T-Ball tournament. And last Sunday, the 25.09.2022 was it then.

4 Guest teams from Stuttgart, Gammertingen, Herrenberg and Remchingen found their way into Mohawks Park. We Mohawks as hosts could even 2 teams from the years 2014-2018 place.

Altogether almost 5 Hours of T-Ball and many happy children were able to marvel at the local and traveling fans.

After a great day, each child received a certificate and a “Goodie-Bag” the deserved price.

Mohawks end perfect season with 12:10 Victory against Bad Mergentheim

Last Sunday, the Nagolder traveled to Bad Mergentheim for the last game of the season. Due to the holiday season, the Mohawks had to make do without a substitute.

At first, the Mohawks didn't really get into the game. Without runs, they initially had to admit defeat, during Bad Mergentheim, thanks to a home run, equal 3 Runs could bring home.

Also in 2. Inning only one run could be achieved by the guests. The Warriors scored again due to mistakes by the Nagolder 2 runs and built the lead 5:1 aus.

In the 3. Inning then the knot burst at the Mohawks. Through base hits and walks, they were able to keep up 4 runs to establish a tie.

Also in 4. Inning the Nagolder didn't give up - 3 Doubles und 2 Singles gave the Mohawks more 6 Runs.

Starting pitcher Luca Heinrich was im 4. Inning then replaced by Myron Richards. This kept the Warriors in check as far as possible. However, the hosts succeeded again with a home run 2 Points is goal to bring.

A strong defense on both sides ensured the following 3 innings ended with just one run for both teams.

At the beginning of 9. Innings stand es 12:8 and the tension on both sides was palpable. Nagold didn't manage to extend the lead and made it exciting again with a few mistakes on the defensive. Bad Mergentheim brought more 2 Runs on the scoreboard. But the Mohawks kept their nerve and caught up 03:45 Hours also the last win of the season with a final score of 12:10. 

Mit insgesamt 19 Base hits, it was a powerful game for the Nagolder.

Each 4 Hits went to Tobias Müllmaier and Myron Richards. 3 Klaus Diener could claim hits for himself and with each 2 Hits also convinced Hannes Großmann, Katharina Schulz and Marius Noether.

The Mohawks are happy about a perfect season without defeat and would like to thank all the fans for the great support.