Month,en: October 2020

Corona-Pause – part,,de,- the Infielder - the squad presentation before the home opening next Saturday,,de,Clock.…,,de 2

New measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 were released today. These also affect club sports.

The board of directors has decided to proactively no longer hold the training sessions for all teams from now until the end of November.

We hope for your understanding and look forward to seeing you all again in December.

Stay healthy.
Your Board.

Winter training starts…

The Mohawks start the winter season and start training here in the hall at the following times:

on Tuesdays 18:00-21:00 Clock
Donnerstags 19:30-22:00 Clock

Junior (from 15 Years):
on Tuesdays 18:00-21:00 Clock
Donnerstags 19:30-22:00 Clock

Students / Youth (from 6 Years):
Donnerstags 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr in Nagold
Samstags 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr in Nagold
on Tuesdays 19:00 – 20:30 Clock in Herrenberg

children's Sports / T-Ball (3-6 years):
Samstags 17:00-18:00 Uhr in Nagold
on Monday 15:00 – 16:30 Clock in Herrenberg

Fastpitch/Slowpitch (from 15 Years):
Donnerstags 19:30-22:00 Clock

Incidentally, it is the perfect newspaper to be new or to start training again. Technical basics and the simple basics are taught and consolidated here. We look forward to seeing you.