Timo Pfeifle is German runner-up

U12 selection Baden-Württemberg gets it 2. Place in the national cup 2024

They were very happy 14 Kids, the middle of March 2024 were nominated for this year's squad of the U12 selection Baden-Württemberg. There was alsoTimo Pfeifle, the national baseball association BWBSV at the national cup 2024 was able to represent in Bonn at Pentecost. The young baseball talent from Ebhausen plays regularly in the U12Nagold Mohawks, his team is currently fighting in the student state league 3 for the championship title of the season 2024.

For the national cup, Timo and the rest of the squad met on Friday afternoon of the tournament weekend, to get in the mood for the tournament by training together.
The BaWü team initially remained undefeated during the tournament and only had to admit defeat in a thrilling duel in the final against the strong state team from Bavaria.

For Timo Pfeifle, being nominated for the U12 squad and taking part in the national cup was a dream come true. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, Because next year the 11-year-old will no longer be allowed to compete for the U12 due to his age. But Timo himself is currently only thinking about the current season and that, together with his team to bring the championship title for the Mohawks to Nagold.